Coursebook of Analytical and Philosophical Thinking of Oneness of Reasoning (mathematical wisdom, oneness of reason);

Coursebook of Analytical and Philosophical Thinking of Oneness of Reasoning (mathematical wisdom, oneness of reason);

Makhtumaghli Faraghi Publications;

Author: Mohammad Abdul Samad (Samad) Badraq Nejad;

(Project: Man, world, mathematics);

world, earth, nature

Based on physics, there is no empty space in the universe, even the emptiest spaces are seas of energy.


From the viewpoint of medical science, human blood contains as many living organs as all the creatures in the world, and it is NOT devoid of chemical reactions.

First explanation;

If the human body is free of chemical reactions, death will occur.

Second explanation;

Thinking in humans is caused by chemical reactions in the brain and nervous system.

Third explanation;

The thought of unity of reasoning is a new prospect at science, its scientific goal is the single instruction that exists between man, the world, and science.

Fourth explanation;

All the rules governing the world are led to human thinking in the brain.

Fifth explanation;

According to divine philosophers, the main principle of nature is movement, movement in all nature is caused by chemical reaction, the existing gases are caused by explosions that occur in different stars.


There is no unit number between zero and 1, but there are countless numbers smaller than unit.

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