Theory of Tax , Inflation , Savings , Wealth , Economic Growth

Theory of Tax , Inflation , Savings , Wealth , Economic Growth

Less tax-> more production line-> mass production-> less inflation->investment in industry and high services -> considerable saving->social wealth-> economic growth with ascending approach


More tax-> production with less production line->inflation with high fluctuations-> investment in industry and less services->less savings->improper wealth-> economic growth with descending approach

Theory of Infinite Elasticity and Inelasticity

Theory of Infinite Elasticity and Inelasticity


Equation graphs are not zero altogether, but a straight line. In fact, by finding the coordinates of two points, one can draw the infinite elasticity and inelasticity lines. A, b and c are real numbers in it.

Theory of Capital Market Efficiency & Evaluation of Risks

Theory of Capital Market Efficiency & Evaluation of Risks

There is a high correlation between high figures of costs and research and development and achieving new technologies for competing with the economy of the countries with the same profession and global economy and there would be no doubt over the efficiency of the capital market and making the theory of fundamental analysis for the price of securities. The little amount of research and development in the investing holding companies of the money market depicts that there is no long-term or short-term plan for competition with global market in the Iranian economic doctrine but by cooperating with the Organization for Registration of Inventions this will be possible and we can compensate for that defect. Our more important job in other researches is reducing the risk of investment (that is the stake of returning capital in the stock market or over the counter finance market-OTC), summary of the researches, in the capital market, we need to buy various shares in the stock market and our aim is reducing the negative reaction to securities in other active stock market companies. Stock market and over the counter finance companies in Iran are connected based on the correlation principle.


Theory of Action and Reaction in the Iranian School of Economic Thought

Theory of Action and Reaction in the Iranian School of Economic Thought

The function f is called fixed if for all inputs of x; The function has only one output of x); A concrete example of this is the reality of Iran’s economy which we have the increasing devaluation of the rial without supportive monetary and fiscal policies amongst the global currencies, this means that the set of f range has only one trend, and that is a very sharp devaluation of the national currency of the Iranian people against known world currencies. This denotes the fixed function as fx = c.


Fixed function diagram in the real market is in the form of a line parallel to the x-axis.
There are many reasons for the devaluation of the national currency of the Iranian that I mentioned in collection of open letters; One of the most important and fundamental reasons for depreciation of Rial currency is that the strategic managers of Iran’s economy do not know the necessary knowledge for the rules of the game in the global economy; Iranians want to enter the world’s market with the production line of the economy prevalent in the 50’s. Your majesty! product line, quality control programs, chip processing systems, network line programs in electronic and mechanical equipment and home and digital appliances are changed and replaced month by month until the end of the year to compete with similar brands.



Theory of Supply and Demand and Markets of Goods

Theory of Supply and Demand and Markets of Goods:

In connection with the 3 concepts expressed, how desirable should be the produced goods to be able to influence consumer’s decisions in the market or not, supply and demand in economics has been a quantitative feature and its use in product markets in addition to desirability is a relative concept, providing the product in the market if it needs to be led to useful commercial and economic decisions in this view it depends on the criterion of the theory of value judgments about the product according to the methods of production by suppliers and the diversity of users of the domestic economy and global markets. If mathematical analysis is a linear function passing through points and , what is the criterion X in as a market? The answer is x. This was because exchange values in the market are variable. Satisfaction and contentment largely offset the effect of production costs. The theory of supply and demand and product markets can find a fundamental place among the citizens of a country and the global economy, but will be clearly and logically developed by economists.


Theory of Capacity

Theory of Capacity

It’s obvious that the capacity of any part of economic system for combination and absorption must be involved in the global economy and gets an international structure and connect to the chain of international capital market with some connections to stocks and credit which gets an undeniable form and decrease the problems related to the wrong usage of capital market, also guarantees the better use of resources. The vast unanimous agreement and acclimatization for linking with capital market and its pricing system requires the technology and knowledge transfer and under this circumstance being a part of world’s economic market is not a far-fetched thing.

Theory of Government in Economy

Theory of Government in Economy

The main reason for the government intervention in the economy is poverty alleviation. The government is not a good economist and cannot improve the situation. The government is generally an economic nuisance to the nation, but if the government is a good policymaker, it can improve economic life. Reduce taxes and the role of government and boost the economy, but it cannot keep markets stable. With the introduction of the principle of fictitious prices in this regard, we will face the calculation of total price and made assets in the macroeconomic structure, for example, investing in corporate stocks will increase by reducing the investment account tax per share of the investing company from the net profit of the invested company. Assets and liabilities are primarily based on the exchange rates at which the transfer took place, but under no circumstances should goods be recorded and measured exceeding the cash value of the purchase. As we see in the crisis of Iran in 1397-2018, the measurement, identification and sale of assets is more than the cash value of the registered purchase.


Theory of Income, Justice and Wealth

Theory of Income, Justice and Wealth

With Making income resources and fair distribution of production facilities in capacity of macroeconomics, income earning and establishing justice in the society, the wealth will be divided equally based on the administrative factors between economic activists such as services and production in any industry.

Theory of Service and Money

Theory of Service and Money :

This principle denotes that the money circulating in the capital market and banking system is supportive to the services rendered to people by the government.

Historical Determinism in Economic Fields

Historical Determinism in Economic Fields

All economic schools of thoughts can not evade this. Theory of Economic determinism (Appearance, rise and descent). Economic schools of thoughts will experience one session of appearance, rise and descent and in a return will experience their growth and thriving period.

On the other hand, in economic fields, production elements, people, companies with the same career, consulting engineers in one economic system such as workers will survive. In this theory we can recapitulate and predict the theory of recurrence of global economic crisis in the following decades ahead.