Collection of Open Letters to the Patriotic People and Economists of Iran

Collection of Open Letters to the Patriotic People and Economists of Iran:

In terms of GDP, GDP represents Gross Domestic Product, G represents government spending, X represents export earnings and M represents imports. With this relation, the scientific culture of the country, the service industry (tourism), the macro strategies of the ruling system, for example, if Iran follows the theory of global ethics, humanity for humanity in global politics, in an interconnected global economy can be the country known as stable and can improve the living conditions of the people and the region.

In previous letters, it was mentioned that Iran’s economy has the wrong income and expenditure structure, and this has led to an irregular cycle of supply and demand shocks and the political reactions of the people and the world. To express the theory mathematically, we use asymptotic vertical lines of the function fx ,  x2+x-2/x2-1 . In general, government policies in macroeconomics and economic activities of consumption and investment are interactive and are vertical asymptomatic and cover all the affairs of the country.

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